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Customized Facials



Your skin is unique and so should be your skincare routine. Customized facials offer a personalized approach to skincare, tailored to address your specific skin concerns and goals. Whether you're dealing with acne, dryness, aging skin or just looking to pamper yourself, there's a customized facial that's perfect for you. Join us as we explore the different types of customized facials available, each designed to help you achieve healthy, radiant skin. There are various types of customized facials tailored to address specific skin concerns and preferences.

Here are some common types:

Hydrating Facial

Focuses on deeply moisturizing the skin to combat dryness and dehydration, often using hydrating masks and serums.


Deep Cleansing Facial

Targets clogged pores and excess oil to thoroughly cleanse the skin, typically including steam, extractions, and purifying masks.


Anti-Aging Facial

Aims to reduce the signs of aging by promoting collagen production, improving skin texture, and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles through the use of specialized serums and treatments.


Brightening Facial

Helps to even out skin tone, reduce hyperpigmentation, and enhance overall radiance using ingredients like vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), or other brightening agents.


Acne Facial

Designed to combat acne by deep cleansing pores, reducing inflammation, and preventing future breakouts with targeted products and treatments such as exfoliation, extractions, and acne-fighting masks.


Sensitive Skin Facial

Gentle and soothing, this facial is tailored to calm and nourish sensitive skin while minimizing irritation and redness, often using hypoallergenic products and gentle techniques.


Custom Blend Facial

Combines various techniques and products to address multiple skin concerns simultaneously, offering a personalized solution for individual skincare needs.


Signature Facial

Developed by a specific skincare brand or spa, these facials often feature proprietary techniques and products designed to deliver unique benefits and experiences.


Pre-Event or Instant Glow Facial

Provides quick results and instant radiance, perfect for special occasions or when you want your skin to look its best in a short amount of time.


Seasonal or Weather-Specific Facial

Tailored to address the effects of changing seasons or specific environmental factors on the skin, such as dry winter weather or increased sun exposure in summer.


Before choosing a customized facial, it's important to consult with a skincare professional who can assess your skin type, concerns, and goals to determine the most suitable treatment for you.


Call us at (818) 551-0464 or email us now to schedule a complimentary assessment with our aesthetician.


Glendale Whole Health
230 N Maryland Avenue, Suite 110
Glendale, CA 91206
Phone: 323-483-6074
Fax: 818-551-0462

Office Hours

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